Our Database Tuneup service customizes your MySQL configuration to your Automate server, fixing common stability, scaling, and performance issues. It creates a custom configuration file holistically optimized for performance and MySQL best practices.
Connectwise Automate Database Tuneup details
MySQL databases have hundreds of variables that can be adjusted to optimize the database to the particular environment it’s running in. The proper settings for these variables can change based on the hardware environment, the number of users, and other architecture components. Knowing the proper modifications to make can be a challenge, especially when most Automate administrators are not DBAs and don’t have the database monitoring tools needed for proper analysis — and the one-size-fits-all tuning instructions that come with Automate are inadequate for most partners.
Automation Theory offers a solution to the cookie-cutter tuning via our Database Tuneup service for Connectwise Automate servers. This service is holistic, and the result is a database optimally tuned to the particular client environment. We baseline the current environment, make the necessary adjustments, and then capture another baseline to ensure that the new settings are optimal.
Next Steps
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$450 USD, flat-rate service